Superior College for National Security is set up

The lack of profound public understanding of the security issues has led to the set-up of the Superior College for National Security, the forerunner of National Intelligence College. Its mission is to build an interface between the Academy and the civil society, and to provide general and specific security and intelligence knowledge.

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Debutează programul masteral MAISN

La 11 septembrie 2001 sunt doborâte turnurile gemene din New York și apare necesitatea regândirii paradigmei de protecție a securității naționale. ANI înființează programul masteral Managementul activității de informații pentru siguranța națională.

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National Intelligence Institute (INI) is founded

As an expression of the need to permanently adapt to the security challenges, as well as to the dynamic academic climate, ISI becomes INI and a new field of study is introduced into the curriculum of would-be intelligence officers: communication sciences.

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ISI moves into the current campus of MVNIA

The early years of the Superior Institute for Intelligence were characterized mainly by a radical reform of the national academic climate. In that period ISI was relocated to the former CEPECA headquarters, the current premises of MVNIA. It thus began an investment stage in developing projects for the education infrastructure and academic facilities.

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